The Drake Refugee Clinic provides immigration legal services to noncitizens seeking immigration benefits and noncitizens facing removal.
Students enrolled in the Refugee Clinic will provide legal assistance to noncitizens from around the world. Under the supervision of Clinic faculty, students will represent noncitizens before U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, the immigration court, the Board of Immigration Appeals, and the federal appellate courts. Students will work with noncitizens in matters including family-based immigration, asylum, Special Immigrant Juvenile Status, benefits for victims of crime and domestic violence, and naturalization. Students will also defend noncitizens facing removal from the United States and will collaborate with students enrolled in the Criminal Defense Clinic to provide consultation regarding the immigration consequences of crimes. In addition to representing clients, student attorneys may also engage in community lawyering projects or advocacy work.
The Refugee Clinic will afford students an opportunity to develop core lawyering skills that are transferrable to any area of practice, including litigation skills, client counseling, case planning and management, working with interpreters, culturally competent lawyering, and more.
Prerequisite / corequisite: Immigration Law (LAW 263).
Allison McCarthy, Director of Refugee Clinic; Instructor of Law
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Suzan Pritchett, Director of Clinical and Experiential Programs;
Professor of Law
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